Wednesday, May 31, 2006
So cute!!!!

Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Eventful Day!!!

Today all we had planned was Kaila's softball game....But around 10:30 am her coach called to announce it had been cancelled due to the field being a mud pit because of the day of rain we had yesterday. So we figured ok we'll go to the Estate sale a couple houses down the road from us.
Then my dad pulled in with my new van!!! We have been having huge issues with the van we have now. It's a '91 so it's pretty old and everything is going. For the last 3 months I have had to climb across the front seat to get in...The passenger door is almost falling off so in fear of that happening dh put it off limits. Plus last weekend DH was out there fixing it from 12 pm- 7pm! My dad came over and helped with it and saw how bad it was. So he called on Friday and asked if I wanted a new mini van. I was like sure I would love to buy one but we just don't have the funds for that. He said I didn't ask if you wanted to buy it I asked if you wanted it? So after trying really hard to get him (and my mom) not to get it I lost that battle. So here is our new (new to us- Oldsmobile Silhouette) beauty:

She comes fully loaded with a/c, power locks and a cd player!!! I have one of those thingy's on my key chain to unlock the doors! God really is being good to us!!!!
After we chatted and repeatedly thanked my dad we decided we would be cleaning out the old van later. We headed over to the Estate sale. There we found some old Polly Pocket sets. This is what Polly pocket was originally when I was a kid. She really had sets that could fit in your pocket! We ended up getting 3 sets ($2 for the bigger sets and $1 for smaller-what a deal!) at first and then Kaila wanted to buy the other 5 later. She counted her money and went all by herself and paid for them! I was quite impressed she didn't ask me to come with her! So here are the 3 we bought at first....One of them lights up!

Then we came home and started the yard work and cleaning out of the old van. Here's Dave vacuuming it:

We are going to keep the old van for dh to get to work in till he gets my dads old truck. DH's old truck will be driven to the junk yard this week. Might not end up driving it because in the process of moving it today he noticed one of the breaks went. Yay! Perfect time to say goodbye. It is a sad moment for dh...He has had this baby for 9 years. But it's time for her to retire. He agrees sadly. She has been sitting since mid winter because we couldn't afford to fix her.
While we were cleaning Kaila was weeding the garden for me. She is one of the best weeders! If that's even a! Not one complaint out of her while doing it:

I hate weeding! I would have been complaining! She was covered in ick when she was done and sweating bullets so I let her try out the pool. It was 75 inside it and outside. I didn't think she would stay in but she did! Here she is with her new "snorgle" (that's what she calls it even though I told her it's a snorkel many her friend Cheyenne got her for her birthday.

After dh vacuumed the van I went through the piles of junk that have been accumulating from him using it for work...While I was doing that he built himself a new best friend:

In case your eyes haven't been able to figure it out it's a mini goalie. He built the goalie net the other night. He and our downstairs neighbor Colin (he's 5) have been using the recycle bin up until then. Colin's mom donated the pretty sheet being used as the net. But that wasn't enough... Dave needed a! Even has the shin!

So we had a wonderful day! Gardens weeded, vans are clean and Dave is out there playing hockey with his new! I myself am being teased by the new van....It should be all on the road by next weekend :0) DH keeps looking out amazed that it's even ours :0) Thank you mom and dad! You really have taken a lot of stress off us! I hope you know how grateful we are!!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006
Baking Away

Been busy busy today making cookies for this weekends Memorial Day celebration. I was only going to make chocolate chip but I decided to make oatmeal chocolate chip and M&M cookies. I filled this up and have half a bag (gallon size) to send home with Lauren. I figured she should get some since she helped me out a lot. She is a really good egg cracker! Even Kaila and I usually get a couple shells in with the eggs. I always have to break them in a bowl before adding. Lauren had to crack 6 eggs and not one shell!

So a few days agoI noticed upon waking up my throat was scratchy. It would go away usually after breakfast. Well today it didn' my whole body is aching and ears are killing me. When I talk I feel like I am straining my voice. My ears are plugged so I can barley hear myself so I talk louder. This has to be from the way the weather goes from cold to hot! UGH! It better hurry up and get through my system...all I feel like eating today is freeze pops and let me tell ya I feel the sugar withdrawl!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Softball Pictures

Above are pictures of her practicing for her game May 13th....below is what ended up turning into lightening and cancelling her game.

Monday, May 22, 2006
Party Pics!

Kaila had a wonderful time at her Birthday Party last night! We are all very thankful for the wonderful gifts she received!
I couldnt believe we had 32 people in our apartment! My mom whispered it was time to get a bigger place...believe it or not this probably is one of the biggest apartments in the!
Here she is showing off her new batt (Dave engraved her name on it and put hearts around it):

Here she is trying on one of the many new outfits she got (thank's hard to keep this chick in clothes that fit these days due to her long legs!- trust me the skorts are longer. She has them up to her chest) :

Here are her and Lauren having some tea....I have a feeling they will be having alot of potty breaks!

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Having Fun!

Kaila's is having her first sleepover (other than the family sleepovers) tonight! Here she is being crafty with her new gifts in her new jammies and her friend!

No Way!!!

I recently found out that 7th Heaven is coming back for another season!!!

Check it out!!!
I was sad to read that they might not bring back One Tree Hill though! I will be so sad if they don't! The last show left you really hanging! I hate when they stop shows that way!

PCOS Treatment and Awareness

One of the ladies on the IVillage board I belong to found this Petition today. Check it out! I am strongly for this!!! Please sign this for women you know suffering from this! I have PCOS myself and feel that awareness is very important to everyone. I was finally diagnosed after years of having the symptoms. I beleieve I could have had this as early as when I was in High School (going by the symptoms). I only found out about it and brought it to my OBGYN's attention after someone in my family read about it when they started menopause and read it in a book when finding out about what they were going through. Please help everyone realise PCOS is just as important to educate women on as it to educate them on cancer. I am in pain (physically and emotionally) on a daily basis from this and the only thing my obgyn knows can help the physical pain is birth control. There is not enough research on this to help find out what to do. This disease is not taken seriously. Check out some of the current signatures and comments while you are here:

PCOS Treatment and Awareness
Thank you!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006
People That Affect You Most!

Wow! Last night Kaila and I had finished cleaning up after eating dinner together. We sat down to watch our regular show Malcom In The Middle. Malcom and Reese were getting yelled at (as usual) for ganging up on Dewy...she looks up (what a moment to have this come up) and begging she asks," Mommy I want a brother and sister. Can you get pregnant like Aunt B* (my sister) so I can have one? I would be a good big sister! I promise I wouldn't fight with them and they could play with whatever they want."
Wow! That was really hard to fight the tears off...I gave her a big hug and told her she needs to add that to her prayers at night..... I havn't had a sad moment about not being pregnant in awhile.

*Took name out for privacy

Monday, May 15, 2006
Turkeys Galore!!!!!!

Today the male turkeys stopped traffic in front of my house running to woo some females! I grabbed the digital camera and video camera to get clips! Of course the digital still had a zilion pics on it so the memory ran out and the battery was dead on the video camera. So here's what I got!!!
After the camera died more came...we had about 22 turkeys in our backyard at one point! Lauren was in her glory! She wanted to go out and play with!

Here's where they snuck over from my landlords backyard:

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Here is where they hung out while the females were looking for a way through the can't see much but what Lauren says is cute :0)

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Here's a good one of the males puffing their feathers. It's where the memory ran out! UGH! They had been gobbling at me as they ran by but I didnt get that of course!

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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Pretty Flowers

Look at the pretty flowers Kaila got this morning form her grandma & grandpa! Kaila wanted to bring cupcakes for her party at school today and Dave had to be at work before he could drop her off so his mom offered to take her :0) Kaila was suprised with these beautiful flowers!

Kaila aksed me the other day if we got her presents for her actual birthday. I took her to see Fairytpoia Live this past weekend and got her a stuffed animal...when she asked to see it I told her that I would get the tickets for her Birthday. So she wanted to know if she was going to have anything to open today. I told her those were her gifts..te-hee! We love to joke with her....she's still at that gullable age! Her family party is May 21st so that's probably why she wanted to know if we were going to make her wait till then to open her gifts. So she will be suprised tonight!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
He got it!!!!!

Yay Dave got the job! When leaving the interview yesterday they said they wouldnt be letting everyone know till late next week but they called today! He starts 5/22!!!
Yay no more late nights and weekends!!!!! Plus not so far to drive either s we'll be saving on gas!!

Ladiebug Lane

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Our Daily struggles trying to conceive with PCOS and things life throws our way. WANTED: Family seeks new member. Must be small, noisy, and agreeable to 9 months in confined space. All applicants inquire within uterus ASAP!!

  • What is PCOS?
  • My Fertility Chart
  • Ladiebug's Journey
  • The Kellys
  • One Day At A Time
  • Divorced and Sassy
  • No Bowl Of Cherries
  • Simply Thrive
  • Simply Jamie
  • Life As I know It
  • Them VS. Me
  • Home Organization Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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