Saturday, May 27, 2006
Eventful Day!!!

Today all we had planned was Kaila's softball game....But around 10:30 am her coach called to announce it had been cancelled due to the field being a mud pit because of the day of rain we had yesterday. So we figured ok we'll go to the Estate sale a couple houses down the road from us.
Then my dad pulled in with my new van!!! We have been having huge issues with the van we have now. It's a '91 so it's pretty old and everything is going. For the last 3 months I have had to climb across the front seat to get in...The passenger door is almost falling off so in fear of that happening dh put it off limits. Plus last weekend DH was out there fixing it from 12 pm- 7pm! My dad came over and helped with it and saw how bad it was. So he called on Friday and asked if I wanted a new mini van. I was like sure I would love to buy one but we just don't have the funds for that. He said I didn't ask if you wanted to buy it I asked if you wanted it? So after trying really hard to get him (and my mom) not to get it I lost that battle. So here is our new (new to us- Oldsmobile Silhouette) beauty:

She comes fully loaded with a/c, power locks and a cd player!!! I have one of those thingy's on my key chain to unlock the doors! God really is being good to us!!!!
After we chatted and repeatedly thanked my dad we decided we would be cleaning out the old van later. We headed over to the Estate sale. There we found some old Polly Pocket sets. This is what Polly pocket was originally when I was a kid. She really had sets that could fit in your pocket! We ended up getting 3 sets ($2 for the bigger sets and $1 for smaller-what a deal!) at first and then Kaila wanted to buy the other 5 later. She counted her money and went all by herself and paid for them! I was quite impressed she didn't ask me to come with her! So here are the 3 we bought at first....One of them lights up!

Then we came home and started the yard work and cleaning out of the old van. Here's Dave vacuuming it:

We are going to keep the old van for dh to get to work in till he gets my dads old truck. DH's old truck will be driven to the junk yard this week. Might not end up driving it because in the process of moving it today he noticed one of the breaks went. Yay! Perfect time to say goodbye. It is a sad moment for dh...He has had this baby for 9 years. But it's time for her to retire. He agrees sadly. She has been sitting since mid winter because we couldn't afford to fix her.
While we were cleaning Kaila was weeding the garden for me. She is one of the best weeders! If that's even a! Not one complaint out of her while doing it:

I hate weeding! I would have been complaining! She was covered in ick when she was done and sweating bullets so I let her try out the pool. It was 75 inside it and outside. I didn't think she would stay in but she did! Here she is with her new "snorgle" (that's what she calls it even though I told her it's a snorkel many her friend Cheyenne got her for her birthday.

After dh vacuumed the van I went through the piles of junk that have been accumulating from him using it for work...While I was doing that he built himself a new best friend:

In case your eyes haven't been able to figure it out it's a mini goalie. He built the goalie net the other night. He and our downstairs neighbor Colin (he's 5) have been using the recycle bin up until then. Colin's mom donated the pretty sheet being used as the net. But that wasn't enough... Dave needed a! Even has the shin!

So we had a wonderful day! Gardens weeded, vans are clean and Dave is out there playing hockey with his new! I myself am being teased by the new van....It should be all on the road by next weekend :0) DH keeps looking out amazed that it's even ours :0) Thank you mom and dad! You really have taken a lot of stress off us! I hope you know how grateful we are!!!!

Blogger Lori had this to say:

That's awesome! So glad things are going well for you guys. :-) Kaila seems like a keeper, too!


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