Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Lets start the day with almost calling an Amber Alert!

So Dave and I were hanging out making a late breakfast this morning when we got a call from Kaila's school. They were asking if she was absent today? Dave said no...I said I watched her walk and get on the bus. So they put us on hold. Me, I ran outside doubting what my eyes saw. I looked at the ground and saw her foot prints in the fresh fallen snow walking down the street and disappear where the bus would have picked her up. Then I came back upstairs and Dave was making his scrambled eggs. I asked what was up he said they got disconnected! So I was all in a panic and Dave said, "Just relax." Yeah someone telling you that doesn't help. Then the phone rings and he practically knocks me over so he can get to it first...yeah he was relaxing! Then he hangs up. Turns out Kaila took forever to eat her breakfast (I let her eat breakfast once a week there-today was milk, jelly bagel and fruit) so she went straight to her music class instead of going to homeroom. They get 40 minutes to eat! She has been eating slow as molasses these days. Last night it took her an hour to eat half a BBQ cube steak, 2 tbs sweet potatoes and 2 tbs spinach (my no thank you helping). All food that she enjoys. Figures...her slow eating is gonna kill me some day!

Blogger Kerri had this to say:

Oy nothing like a little stress to start the day lol. Glad she was safe and sound!


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