Dear Clomiphene,
Well here you are for a second time in my house. I thought I'd tell you a about the rollercoaster our TTC adventure has been in this time
Ever since I was young I loved kids. I was old enough to be a motherly type when my youngest brother came into the world. I immediatly fell in love and tried to be a little helper to my mom as much as I could steal him away from her. It was then I decided I really wanted to be a mom when I grew up. I even told my mom I would have 100! Until then I figured becoming the neighborhood baby sitter would have to suffice. I surrounded myself with kids. Then I decided to be a chef for awhile. I enjoyed it but it didn't fill that empty void. So I left that job for a lower paying job at a daycare that made me much happier inside. I did that until 2002 when my bf proposed and not too long after asked me to stay home with his 3 y/o dd from a previous marriage. I accepted happily.
Well in early 2003 we decided that on our wedding night7/5/03 we'd start trying to make a baby. So I went and had my yearly visit with my obgyn for a pre conception appointment. We discussed everything about my irregular periods to our dreams of making a baby together and how to go about doing that. I was given the OK and to have fun!
That was 2 years of my life......Then I got a new OBGYN in 2005 and my concerns were answered. I was diagnosed with PCOS. For many PCOS sufferes Insulin Resistane (IRS) is also coupled with it. Given my past with irregular periods he thinks I was born with it or developed it during puberty. I was put on 1000mg of metformin daily in 9/2005 . He also sent my dh in for a SA abnd he came back normnal. Thank God becuase that would have made it even harder. 6 months later my obgyn brought me back in to see how that was going. Not much ovulating going on there. So he sent me in for a HSG and my tubes are clear. I did 1 round of clomid and you helped me ovulate that month but no bfp. Since then I have ovulated twice on my own and used provera to induce af twice. I went back in for my yearly in July and saw a different doctor who works under mine. Dr. Jen Phillips is awesome!!! She gave me prescriptions for 6 more rounds of 100mgs of clomid and 4 rounds of prometrium (back up in case I don't ovulate).
Looks like I wont be needing the prometrium this round!!! I am currently 11 days past ovulation. I ovulated with only metformin! Maybe it's alctually working now! So if this cycle doesnt end in a bfp I will be taking you again.
So I have you caught up. I just thought you would like to know a little about how much I am relying on you. No pressure or anything. But I am praying that with you and God on my side this will be it for us! I undertsand that maybe you need a few months to help me develope that perfect egg. But please with Gods help I am begging you to bring our little miracle to us. Like I said no pressure. OK so I am lying...LOTS of pressure! I know that all you can do is do the ovulation part. The rest is up to my body. I am so praying that with Gods help this all will work together.
- Kerri had this to say:
Oh Lindsy I hope and pray that you get your BFP!
- Ladiebug had this to say:
Aw thank you Kerri! I pray you and Jay will have a happy 9 months!!!
HUGS!- Bare had this to say:
I will be praying for you as well- and it's great that you were able to ovulate with only the Metaformin!!! :0) That's AWESOME!!!
I, too, was born with PCOS/IRS. I am on a twice daily injection of Byetta 5mgs, and 1000mgs of Metaformin (Glucophage). I've been having regular periods, as well as losing weight like crazy! If you have any problems with the insulin or weight, ask about the Byetta. It's been a lifesaver for me :o) *Hugs*