Monday, July 24, 2006
A second bathroom already?

This morning every attempt I had to go to the bathroom was stopped because someone was in there. Dave doesn't take long at all. But in between Kaila running in there for her monring tinkle he was in there 2 of my attempts. Lately Kaila has been taking her sweet time too. . She's 9 and already hogging the bathroom? What the heck does a 9 year old do in the bathroom for 45 minutes? I finally got in there when I started singing, "Pee pee on the potty" over and over again outside the! I asked her ,when I was finished, what she had been doing in there? She said she went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and put her hair in a pony tail. Boy am I in toruble when she starts doing anything else to her hair!

Blogger Courtney had this to say:

I posted before, but I don't know where it went!

This is only the begining with Kayla! I teach 8 and 9 year olds. I always warn parents that they come into this year sweet, loving cherubs and leave testing, pre-teens! Good luck!


Blogger Ladiebug had this to say:

ugh! Yeah I know I am in big trouble! Today she came out all dressed and her hair done. She asked me if she matched and if her hair looked good all around. She never cared what her haoir looked like before or if she matched! In fact I have always doen a hair and clothes check before we leave...tonight she asked me to put nail polish on her toes! I am so not ready for her to grow up just yet!


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