Friday, June 02, 2006
Game Tonight

So tonight Kaila had a softball game. The league she is on doesnt have enough teams so we also play against another league. The problem with that is both leagues dont have the same rules. So when our coach gets there the other coach comes over and tells him that she doesnt rotate her players. They al play the same spot at every game. That her league doesnt have the same rules so she is following her leagues rules. Of course she is! Heck we could probably win eevry game if we played that way. But it's not fair that everyone doesnt get a turn at each base, at catcher and at pitcher. Our girls played wonderfully tonight. That team had 2 really good feildman and 3 good hitters that's it. She put her 2 best feilds men at the 2 spots she knows where the ball is going to go...1 at 1st base and the other at the pitcher. This made it impossible for our girls to get to first base. Our girls are awsome hitters but they couldnt get to the base fast enough. So we lost our first game tonight....2 to 0. We would have 1 run but their girl ran and blocked home base and tapped the girl with the ball..which is against our league cant tag the girl you have to tag the base. She never touched first base with her foot at all so with our rules we would have the run. Our girls know this so they all just stood ther ein shock and didnt understand why they got away with it.
Also Kaila got a new bat for her birthday. Dave has been practicing with her and she is doing awsome now! This was the first game with her new batt and she wowwed everyone. She got a ton of hits during practice and hit everytime she was at batt. The last time she was at bat she hit it way out in the feild! She was so proud of herself. She was beeming form ear to ear!

Blogger Kerri had this to say:

WOO HOO go Kaila!


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