Sunday, January 15, 2006
She's Here with a Vengance!
OK she came on her own so I can't complain...but can't she be a bit nicer to me! I mean I sent her an invitation the least she could do is be nice!OK Ok I am not complaining! I am happy with the cramps! At least they are cramps that came on their own! Yay!
OK so I read that they like to perform the HSG during days 7-10 of your cycle. So I am hoping that when I call to schedule they will be able to take me Monday, January 23rd that morning before my dh has to be at work by 1 pm. That would be day 8...if not then I really can't do it till Thursday January 26th......which would be day 11.... Hopefully they will work with me this time! Last month they weren't staffed enough! I really dont want to put it off another month...ugh!