Saturday, January 07, 2006
I like to torture Myself...
So before I posted the previous post I did something dumb! Well just too early. Dave actually came in and wanted me to explain my chart to him. So after explaining that after you have implantation hcg starts being produced he suggested testing....The last time I had tinkled was at 4 am so I figured this would be my fmu. So I caved in and did it...hey after you saw his face and the glee you would too! Bad was a bfn. Actually it was a digital one and it said "not pregnant"...even worse to see!A frined reminded me that I just implanted yetserday so there is no way there would be enough to give a bfp yet. So I hid the last test I have for next weekend. I might still just hold off till 17 dpo like FF says I should. I think if I test next weekend I will still worry it's too early and have hope. But really wehould be OK.