Monday, January 16, 2006
I am all scheduled for my HSG!! Thursday, January 26th @ 10 am!A Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a proceudre where they inject dye into your uterous which then goes into your tubes and out your ovaries ( if not blocked)....they basically are checking to see if my tubes are blocked.....
I am kinda hoping they are...(but clomid did allow me to ovulate this cycle so who knows?) from there they can unblock them and do ovarian drilling...which is what a woman on the boards I frequent had done (also had her uterous positioned right) and got a bfp on her first cycle afterwards that she was allowed to ttc.
The procedure is done to see if there are any abnormalties in the uterous, tubes and ovaries....but afterwards some have had an increase in fertility for a few months. So I am hoping that if I am not blocked that maybe I can get pregnant without clomid afterwards :0) We shall see!