Thursday, January 26, 2006
Epiphany...if ya wanna call it that....

So I wrote a dear friend of mine (a wise woman) today about my HSG results and how I was feeling about it all.....very confused and wondering what's up with my uterous and all that jazz?
She wrote back and reminded me that it takes women several months to get pregnant even when they do ovulate this got me thinking back to when we began trying to have a baby of our own.
July 5th, 2003......the night of our wedding. We went into it not knowing anything about TTC. I went off birth control at the end of 2001. I thought,"Hey all we have to do is have sex and we should be set." Wrong! Of course I knew the sperm had to unite with the egg but health class (and the fact that my mom was a baby making machine) put the fear of pregnancy in me so I just figured it would happen easy for me. When I finally had insurance July 2005 my OBGYN asked how much we were having sex? When we first started trying we were probably having it twice a week. Really I didnt know when I was ovulating. Or if I even was. So if we did happen to have it around then who knows? Then after awhile we both kinda just got depressed and sex wasn't as much fun anymore. It would be like...ok lets do it...oh yeah you are using me for that tonight...ok. So we kinda just became numb about it all. So by then we were lucky if we did anything once a week. Yeah I know hello ya need that to have a baby. So we basically we got lazy. I know we went through alot of pregnancy tests because sometimes it would take 2 months for "Aunt Flo" to rear her ugly face...meaning I was late so hey why not test? I didn't know that she coul also be late because of not ovulating.
So anywho the end of May 2005 was the last time I had a period come naturally (not induced by provera) when I had gone in to see my new OBGYN. Then when I didnt have it still in September he prescribed Provera (artificial progesterone) . Then I didnt get it after that so another round of Provera came to my rescue. Then my first round of Clomid in December made me ovulate and AF came on her own! Bingo made me see that I more than likely havn't been ovulating! I started using progesterone cream in Feb 05. So Feb-May AF came on her own (I kept track and it was coming at least every 40ish days-better than before).....but I stopped taking it in April because I ran out and it's pricey. But AF was coming on her own then! So that must have helped regulate me some and possibly help with ovualting who knows?
I started BBT again in July and have been since then. I also am back on the progesterone cream starting on day 12 of my cycel every month and stayiing on as soon as we get a positive pregnancy test.
My dear friend (the wise one I mentioned above) has been teaching me the ins and outs of BBT temping. I really wish I knew then what I know now. But we can't go back...just forward! But I am so excited because I can wipe my slate clean and realize that I have only had 1 missed month of not geting pregnant. I must have ovulated in May..but I didn't temp and I dont know if we timed intercourse right that month. Since July I only ovulated once. That was with clomid in December. We went a little crazy with the BDing and did that every day which could mean that his "specimen" wasn't fully developed. The OBGYN said that it needs at least 36 hours to be fully every other day would be anyones best bet. So I am going to stop stressing about how long we have been trying. Starting with last month! Now the doctor told me today that my fertility is higher that ever these next few months so that is in our favor! So as my OBGYN suggested we will be "baby dancing" every other day! now I just hope I ovulate without the clomid this month :0)


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  • The Kellys
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  • No Bowl Of Cherries
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