Tuesday, January 24, 2006

To keep my mind off TTC , I have been focusing on exercising. I already have the eating part down. Just been doing my own thing with that. Been basically following Weight Watchers without counting points. I make sure I eat 5 portions of fruits and veggies a day. I cut out chips and pop. I got that from Angie...well the chips part-she drinks diet-but I hate the taste. Giving up pop wasn't too hard since I didnt grow up drinking it much. Only on pizza nights so that's really the only time I crave it. Plus it always has given me nasty hiccups and I dont miss those! So since I started Metformin (for the PCOS) in October and watching what I eat I have lost 16 pounds! Yay! But I am at a stand still!
So that's where I am throwing in more exercise into the mix. I have been doing Walk Away the pounds off and on. But since last Monday I do WATP everyday AND 20 minutes on our Gazelle! Yep it was a clothes rack in my bedroom for my dh for awhile now. So I re-arranged our living room and moved it out of the bedroom. So I see the darn thing everyday and jump on it and go! Watching TV while I am on it makes it go by so fast! The first few days I did it with Tony Littles videos that came with it but I was constantly looking at the timer on it wondering how much longer? But I know what to do from his videos now so I can go without listening and looking at him. So since then I have been steady. I only took off on Sunday. Which it's a big deal that I did it on Saturday since I dont like to do anything over the weekends. Since starting it last weekend I am getting farther on the Gazelle in 20 minutes. Starting I was only doing .80ish a mile but the last 2 days I have been doing 1.5 miles (plus the 1 mile for WATP) in 20 minutes on it. So my speed is picking up! Plus I am feeling muscles under this flab of mine! Yay!
I saw one of my many BIL's Sunday afternoon. I told him how I was thinking of going back to Weight Watchers meetings after he mentioned my sister had joined a gym. He looked at me and said, I can tell you are losing weight..you are doing so well on your own. Why go back?" Just hearing that someone can see that I am losing weight was wonderful...especially a guy! They dont even notice when you get a hair cut! So that was nice. But I think I am going to hold off with going back to the meetings for now. It is so boring going by yourself. Yes it can be motivating but it's no fun going all by yourself. It's better to have a buddy. So since I am doing well on my own (all meals this week are from my WW cookbook-planned ahead-plus exercising daily) I am going keep it up on my own. Just till i feel myself possibly slipping....then I will kick my dupa back in there!


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Our Daily struggles trying to conceive with PCOS and things life throws our way. WANTED: Family seeks new member. Must be small, noisy, and agreeable to 9 months in confined space. All applicants inquire within uterus ASAP!!

  • What is PCOS?
  • My Fertility Chart
  • Ladiebug's Journey
  • The Kellys
  • One Day At A Time
  • Divorced and Sassy
  • No Bowl Of Cherries
  • Simply Thrive
  • Simply Jamie
  • Life As I know It
  • Them VS. Me
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