Sunday, January 15, 2006
Catch me When I Fall

OK so we get home from church this morning and I step up to enter into our apartment and almost fall ! Our landlord is having an open house in the lower apartment and he took our rug that is on the floor inside the entrance. The floor is very slippery when it's cold or wet. So he has huge scrap pieces of carpetting there. OK yes they are his but come on!
When the cleaning lady came in November she put the one in the lower apartments entry way outside while she mopped. She never brought it back in so it was left out while it snowed. So this past week (it was warm out) I went outside and picked it up off the ground and underneath is was covered in mud and worms...ugh! So he took ours so none of the visitors fell on their dupas! But it's OK that my feet slid out from under me! Thank God Dave was behind me and caught me! Thank God I was the first one to walk into the house and not Kaila!
Yeah he had the door open to the apartment and heard me say (after being caught by Dave) "Where is our carpet!" So when Dave went by to go in the basement he came out and said, "Oh I borrowed that carpet for the afternoon." Dave said yeah we noticed......


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