Friday, December 30, 2005
So stressed I could cry! I don't wanna move again!

I just got something dumped in my lap this moirning and it's the last thing I need! We were just given notice that our landlord has not paid on these 2 houses in 60 days. Menaing the bank might forclose on his morgage!
Let me give you a littlke bit about what we have been going through......after my husband lost his job in '03 we moved from an apartment we loved to one that was $125 less. We actually loved this new was closer to both of our families and a good school district. We paid to rent the place out a month before we could move in so we could slowly move in our belongings. So the weekend we are finally in we get a call from a realitor asking to show the place. There was no mention when we viewed it that it was for sale. There was no for sale sign anywhere. We called the landlord asking what was up but he never returned our calls. We looked into our rights as tenants to see what we could do if the house sold because we just moved in! The realitors office told us that when and if someone buys it, because we just moved in, we could fight it and make them give us 3 months to move out. Well gee thats there only 3 months and have to move again! So weekly we were being called to let them come in and see the place. They werent allowed to view unless we were there to open the doors. This went on for 5 months and then someone bought it...our landlord told us we werent going to be evicted..that the new owners wanted the upper. Well he lied...he just wanted the last months rent that he wasnt even entitled too! He didnt even own the house anymore! But we didnt know. So we got an eviction letter to be out on 30 days. We could have still fought it but we still wouldnt feel at home hile we looked. So that's when we found this place. Kaila had to change schools but it's a even better school district. This apartment is bigger, newer (this place 10 years old, our other place was at least 30 years old, had old windows and the gas bills were crazy) and a huge fenced in yeard! We love this place! We picked here because we thought we would have security. The landlord promised he wouldnt be selling ever. He said he owned them. I didnt know that meant he was paying a morgage..or whatever you pay when you built them yourself with your company. So the lady who had to let me know what's up said he is behind 60 days in payment and has to go to court. and make payment in full and fees. If he doesnt she said we could be evicted or the bank will be our landlord. That wouldnt last long because these houses are beautiful and would sell fats in this area. The landlord just built this huge 2 car garage (for his business) behind his house (next door) with a loft above it, running water and electric. I dont think he wants to go anywhere either.......but if he cant make the payment in full who knows? It's just really disappointing because I do not want to move. My dh and I decided this would be where we lived till we could buy a home in 5 years. It's bigger than my friends house! We love it here! UGH!
Pray that my landlord can do this and when and if it he does, our rent isnt raised after our lease is up.....

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

OMG... I am so sorry! That sucks and no way would I be able to handle that. He will make the payment. Something happened.... would a landlord do that to his tenants? Ugh.... Hugs and praying it works out.


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