Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Master Plan!
So the plan is that I will be starting my first round of clomid starting Saturday (day 5-9). I originally wasn't going to start Clomid till January but I called today and they can't get me in during the time they would need to. They are already double booked (at all 3 locations) so I will have to wait till next cycle. I was upset at first (this is the same thing they told me for my Sonohysterography) but if I get pregnant this round then no HSG will be needed! That's my motivation. I also have read that clomid can dry up your cervical mucus (which is needed so the sperm can swim in it to get to the egg) so I will be investing in Femglid which I hear can be puchased at CVS. They use this in IVF procedures so it must be good. There also is Pre-Seed but that stuff is quite pricey for the little bit they give you. So the doc said to BD (baby dance) evey other day from the day I start clomid.
So my daily intake will be as follows, for five days, starting Saturday:
After breakfast: 500mg metformin; 100mg clomid
After Lunch: Folic Acid; Multi vitamin
After PM snack: 500mg metformin
Please pray that this is our miracle drug!!!
- Lori had this to say:
Good luck! Throwing copious amounts of baby dust your way!