Tuesday, December 20, 2005

All is well on the clomid front. 1 more day left! Just been bding like the doctor said to. No compaints there!
have been getting the hot flashes though! Most of the time during the night though. I got caught by my hubby alrady standing in front of an open bedroom wondow while it was in the teens outside! It fealt great though!
On Sunday we were at the store and I fealt a pinching feeling. Not sure if it was ovualtion pain but who knows? Kinda early in my cycle (day 6) to be that though. I felt that pain again last night....
Dave got me a month of Fertiltiy Friend's VIP subscription. He offered 3 months but I am hoping I'll only need 1 month!
So keep us in yout prayers and fingerd and toes crossed that we Ovulate and my hubby's little guys do their job!

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Blogger Bare had this to say:

I will most definitely keep you in my prayers. I have PCOS/IRS as well, and know how hard it is, and the daily struggles you have. If you have any questions or need to talk, please let me know. I'm on a wonderful new treatment called Byetta, it's a twice daily injection that is helping my body absorb my insulin, and lose the weight as well. It's been a Godsend.


Blogger Ladiebug had this to say:

HIYA!! Thank you for your prayers!!! I looked up byetta online and read your story. It does realy sound like something I could bring up to my doctor! Thank you so much for sharing! Are you currently TTC with it?


Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

My name is Helen Page and i would like to show you my personal experience with Clomid.

I am 30 years old. I have taken for 3 months. My progesterone level after my first dose of Clomid was 65 so I knew that I had ovulated. Couldn't try the second cycle on it because my husband went out-of-town while I was O'ing, go figure. Hoping it worked this month!!

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Mood swings, increased appetite, hot flashes, increased pain during ovulation, abdominal pain, mild but infrequent headaches. Also, I used to be on a consistent 28 day cycle, but I think Clomid might have lengthened it as I'm now on a 31-32 day cycle.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Helen Page


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