Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Provera it is!

OK so I just got off the phone with my OBGYN's receptionist. She also is the one who does our weigh in and BP (blood pressure) before we see him so she must be his assistant. Anywho.....he couldn't come and talk to me because he is double booked. But in between patients he looked at my file and told her to call in for 3 months worth of Provera for me.
She herself was confused. But she didn't realize I was on it once before. So she is calling it all in so I only have to pay 1 co-pay and she said just throw whatever is left over when I become pregnant. See that's why I love his office because they don't say," IF" they say," WHEN." So anywho I am to take it for 10 days every month for the next 3 months when AF doesnt shine. I have to take pregnancy tests before I take them too. I was instructed that I can always come in for a blood test.
I was thinking he prescribed me this much because he knows that I can't get to my next round of clomid if AF doesnt get her booty here.
See on top of this I have metformin everyday, prenatals and I also will be taking 100 mg's Clomid (he originally prescribed 50mgs a day but when they called him to verify his writing he changed it to 100mgs a day-they just asked me if I noticed when I picked them up....I never looked at them...my mil pointed it out to me when she was here on Saturdayl) on days 5- 9, then the second month days 3-7 and 3rd month back to days 5-9. S o my new nickname from my DH is "Hormonal Pill Popper"...isn't that special? :0) So we will be off to pick those up tonight along with next months new round of metformin.

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Hi there! I am a fellow soul cyster. I have been diagnosed with PCOS since 2001. I also have endometriosis. And I did have Endometrial Hyperplasia which is the thickening of the uterin lining. My case also had pre-cancerous cells included with that. Fortunately the pre-cancer and the hyperplasia is gone.
I would really be interested in finding out what your weight loss strategy is and if you would like we could email each other. My email is queamae@gmail.com Maybe we can be of help to eachother. Good luck with your provera. I have had bad side effects of the stuff. I prefer prometrium. It's supposed to be better on the body some how. I was on provera several times and had panic attacks and such bad crying spells that I had to beg for something less traumatic on my emotions. Take care and I sure hope we can email one another.


Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Hey my friend, we can be Hormonal Pill Poppers together. hehe 8o)



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