Thursday, November 17, 2005
Grandpa Update

My grandpa is doing much better. It was so hard to see him the way he is. He is hooked up to a breathing machine, IV's, a tube down his throat, one up his nose and a catheder. He also has restraints because he tried to rip them off his face when he woke up today. They lessend his sedative so they could see if he would wake up and open his eyes. He still is drugged so it's hard for him to keep his eyes open. He has false teeth for his upper teeth and he cant wear them so he is embarrased. When he saw me he winked and squeezed my hand :0). When he saw my DH he tried sitting up to shake his hand causing his IV to come out. He cant talk with the tube down his throat so he tries to mouth words.......I used to play read lips with my friend when we were in church and she sat in front of me so I could read them pretty good. He kept squirming and moving his legs meanwhile mouthing that his back hurts on this bed. Plus he was thirsty. He can't have water but they would rub something in his mouth for him to moisten it. My mom is bringing him some chap stick tomorrow too because it's so dry in there and his lips are chapped. He can answer yes and no questions by shaking hs head so he understands us. It's not a right away answer. You can see him thinking about it. When it was time to leave he kept pointing his finger down saying "Stay here! Dont leave me alone!" I had to leave the room when he did that cause I teared up. He's in the ICU so no one can stay overnight or passed visiting hours.. The doctors are removing the tube in his throat tomorrow and hopfully the we are hoping he will get moved to a room where his fiance can stay over night. I can imagine how lonely he is....he is helpless right now with all the machines. They put him on all that as a pre-cautionary measure. They did a scan on his brain and he has a normal patturn...his heart rate looked pretty good. They think he might have had pnemonia or broncitis and he might have passed out from being dehydrated. His finace said he had an awful cough that was making his eyes blood shot. His doctor wasn't able to get to the hospital today due to an 18 inch snowfall overnight. Hopefully he can make it tomorrow.I wont be able to visit him tomorrow. I have to take Kaila to school as soon as Dave gets home from work to pick up her fundraiser orders and then to soccer. I can't wait for him to get out of ICU so we can visit him longer.
Thank you so much for all the prayers and please continue to do so!

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Im so sorry Lindsy. SEnding huge hugs your way!


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