Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I have PCOS

It's official. The doctor called and said I have the 3 worst symptom: facial hair growth, irregular/lack of AF and most weight gain is in my mid section. There waqs nothing in the blood work or either of the sonograms. So he diagnosed me (which is very common) by my symptoms alone.
The Sonohysterography didn't show anything other than having the polyps. He isn't worried about them at all being in the way of me getting pregnant. He said they have more of a tendancy to cause miscarriages but the stage I am at with them there is no need to remove them right now. When I am older I will have to have them removed. Right now my problem is conceiving. So after I go through my bout with Provera he will be prescribing Metformin. This will help regulate my insulin levels (which is one of the main problems with being overweight with PCOS) and hopfully make me get regular cycles and get me to O. He is giving it 6 months and if that doesnt get me anywhere he is referring me to a specialist.
I really hope that the fact that I am working much harder at losing weight, the Provera and the Metformin does it for me. Heck I pray that after the Provera does it's work that I will ovulate and get pregant. Gotta keep positive!!! But I can't help wondering everyday,"Why me?"
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Our Daily struggles trying to conceive with PCOS and things life throws our way. WANTED: Family seeks new member. Must be small, noisy, and agreeable to 9 months in confined space. All applicants inquire within uterus ASAP!!

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  • The Kellys
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  • No Bowl Of Cherries
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