Thursday, September 15, 2005
Basel Body Temping
I decided to start charting my Basel Body Temp. Most peopl already know the feeling when they are ovulating. I never really paid attention. So I am hoping this will make me pay more attention when I am and get to know my body more.So I have a chart with Fertility Friends. I started charting a long time ago but I always forgot to temp before I got up. Temping after you get up throws your temps off so you HAVE to do it before you even have your first morning tinkle. I always think of going potty first. I am working on that.
My chart is kinda messed up at the moment. With the spotting after my procedure last week it made my chart think I had AF. I mentioned it to Dr. F and he said it's more likley from that. So this months chart is more of a practice chart and to get myself ready for when provera forces me to get AF. Then from there I will be able to see if I ovulate in my next cycle. So for now I am getting myself use to emping before moving around.