Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Update on me

So as you know I got AF on Friday. Well as fast as she came, she went. That meanie left by the afternoon. I waited and waited all weekend for her return but she is MIA. So I had to call and cancel my Sonohysterography. I called my OBGYN today and the practitioner called me back this afternoon. We had a long chat. Turns out that they do believe I have PCOS but they havn't had medical proof yet. I have all the signs (except hair loss and lower back pain) but nothing has shown in my blood work or sonogram. This test will tell us something. So for now she said just assume it is PCOS and follow along with what I have been doing (I mentioned my finding in above article) until we can get this test done. This test might not even give them anything medicallt that I have it either. That's what suxs about PCOS...it's not always diagnosed that way...just you symptoms could be good enough. So since she was so chatty I mentioned that it shocked me when I got the referral w/o any calls. She apologized and said the day she wrote it out she planned on calling me but they had a crazy delivery so she didn't get to her calls that night. Then she has had deliveries/c-sections everyday since then! She said they had delivered 12 babies since! Hey come on share the baby dust people!!!! OK so anyway she wants me to call back my radiologist and let them know my circumstance and how my period isn't regular and this test is really important for them to find out what's up? So that's on my agenda for tomorrow.
Also I have to call my regular doctor and set up an appointment because I have having really bad pains (when I lay down (keeping me up at night) in the same area that it could be my uterous or my bladder. Since my sonogram didn't show anything abnormal she wants me to get my bladder checked out. We went over bladder infection symptoms and I dont have lower back pain, pain when urinating or frequently painfully needing to tinkle. I do get a heavy weighing down feeling in my bladder though. I do tinkle alot but I am drinking 100 ounces of water a day so that's a given. Anywho so that's what's up with me......still don't know anything.

Blogger Courtney had this to say:

I also have PCOS. My dh and I have been trying for a year. Get all the info you can... take your temps and keep track of everything... Keep your hopes up. It can be a long road... but I know of many who made it to the other side!


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Our Daily struggles trying to conceive with PCOS and things life throws our way. WANTED: Family seeks new member. Must be small, noisy, and agreeable to 9 months in confined space. All applicants inquire within uterus ASAP!!

  • What is PCOS?
  • My Fertility Chart
  • Ladiebug's Journey
  • The Kellys
  • One Day At A Time
  • Divorced and Sassy
  • No Bowl Of Cherries
  • Simply Thrive
  • Simply Jamie
  • Life As I know It
  • Them VS. Me
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