Monday, August 01, 2005

I had my pelvic sonogram today. I mentioned this to a couple people yesterday and they said, "Hey maybe it will show that you are pregnant!" The thought did cross my mind that it was a possibility. But nothing was said during about it. I would think if she saw it she would have said so. She told me that if she saw anything wrong she would tell me and have a doctor come in and talk to me about it. But as she saw my uterus, left ovary, right ovary she said everything looked well. She asked me if I had blood work done and when and I told her that my doctor said he would call if anything was abnormal and he didn't. So she said well with this and your blood work maybe he can pin point something that I don't see. If there's nothing then he'll probably have your husbands sperm count tested and from there put me on clomid. I am not too keen of this idea though. I have heard from being in forums about it that it is very mood altering. Yeah take this stuff but it may make your husband hate you and not want to even touch you while on it! We shall see!
I am a little unhappy though. I was hoping I would find something out about why I wasnt pregnant yet. You would think I would be happy to find out that I have healthy parts! I am sick of being patient. I have been for 2 years now! Ah well at least I have my blog to vent so I dont stress about it after I am off here....
I couldn't sleep for anything last night. I was tossing and turning like crazy. Dave said I kept him up. I wasn't worried about the sonogram. I kept thinking about my sisters rehearsal dinner that we are having at my house. Then in the middle of the night I got up to put my script for the sonogram in my purse. The I looked out my window to see if the woodchuck that has been living under our shed was out. Things just kept popping in my head and it wouldn't stop! now I am so exhausted! My eyes hurt!


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Our Daily struggles trying to conceive with PCOS and things life throws our way. WANTED: Family seeks new member. Must be small, noisy, and agreeable to 9 months in confined space. All applicants inquire within uterus ASAP!!

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  • The Kellys
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  • No Bowl Of Cherries
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